We're going to the beach today! That is all.
Okay fine, I'll add a little more. (No pictures though cause my mommy Is getting her new phone today and there aren't any on her phone now!)
My vocabulary is exploding and I have finally decided its okay to repeat words mom or dad ask me to say. I also decided its okay to let them know that I know where my nose, eyes, ears, and all those fun body parts are. I've played hard to get for a long time, so I figured I'd cooperate a little.
New words I say:
Addie, uh-huh, uh-uh, I love you, moo, meow, juice, cat, wow, oh, thank you, and a lot more that I can't think of. (did I mention that we're going to the beach today?)
I'll let you know that a dog says woof, a cat says meow, and a cow says moo. Then I draw the line. You've got to know your limits, I say. I did see a frog last night and it was pretty awesome, so I might have to start saying ribbit. My daddy held the frog for me and I laughed and screamed but I did not want to touch it. Lets not get crazy here.
I do forward rolls, climb on tables, and anything else that is at all climbable really. I love the pool, LOVE being outside, love helping AND I follow simple commands. Just tonight I helped with the packing - they would say "laney, shut the door." And I would! I also helped mom unpack some stuff. Helper girl, that is me!
I've also developed quite the temper this month. My mom made dinner on Wednesday, put me in my high chair and then grabbed her keys. When I realized she was leaving, I threw my whole plate on the floor! I am not into people leaving me behind! I also scream and throw myself on the floor when I'm mad. Whatever works. But then the next minute I'll be happy and making this super cute huge goofy smile I've been doing. And then I raise by shoulders, all shy like. But then the next minute I'll give you the worst case of baby stink eye you've ever seen. Like to keep people on their toes, it's just the way I roll.
I'm still a petite lil thing. I still don't eat very well. I still love juice. I still sleep all night. I still love to read and my family and not really a lot of other people.
Okay, to the beach I go! North Carolina, here I come!
Spring is Almost Here
2 days ago