School started last week!
High School (and early morning seminary!) and 7th grade.
Man, 6:00am came waaay too early!
Alexis gets picked up by sweet Jenna every morning at 6:15. I am sooo lucky to have their family in our neighborhood otherwise I would be driving Lex to Seminary every morning!
(seminary = early morning scripture study all 4 years of high school)
High School (and early morning seminary!) and 7th grade.
Man, 6:00am came waaay too early!
Alexis gets picked up by sweet Jenna every morning at 6:15. I am sooo lucky to have their family in our neighborhood otherwise I would be driving Lex to Seminary every morning!
(seminary = early morning scripture study all 4 years of high school)
Here she is, up all early and ready to go.
And noooot happy about taking pictures!

Lexi on her way!!!
Christian was all up and ready to go too so he came out to pose for some pictures.
Only slightly more willingly than Alexis.
And one more of my way too grown-up 7th grader!!!
So far, so good