We made it home this morning at 9:30! How's that for an early release from the hospital?! I was very pleasantly surprised! And I can now explain why he was in the hospital.
On Tuesday Christian came home from school at 2:30 with a backache. He said his back felt like it was broken. He went downstairs, like he does everyday. I heated up my rice pack for his back and took it down and he was already asleep in his bed. He slept until 5:30.
While he was asleep I googled meningitis symptoms. I knew it had to do with the spine and wondered if his sudden backache could be a symptom.
When he woke up he said he had a headache. I asked if his neck hurt and he said it did when he turned his head. So I called his pediatricians after-hours emergency line. She asked if I had checked his temperature, which I did and found it was 101.8. She said I should take him to the ER.
Matt gave him a beautiful blessing and off we went. I can say this now because he's okay, but I was a wreck. We only waited about 15 minutes, but I was totally ready to go insist they take us back immediately the whole time. I was ready for a scene but I didn't want to scare Christian. And I was afraid that if I started crying I wouldn't stop.
Thankfully we did only wait 15 minutes and as soon as they took his vitals and checked his symptoms they took us to an ER room. The doctor came and checked him and said it looked like meningitis and the only way to test is by performing a spinal tap. At that point Christian got really scared. His tears somehow pushed mine further back and it was easier to be strong. I did call my support system, knowing I would need the back-up strength. Matt was there in 10 minutes.
Christian was a total tough guy as he got his spinal tap. They said they usually have to sedate children, but Christian did awesome. We were so proud of him. They took out 2 teaspoons of spinal fluid and sent it to be tested.
An hour later it came back positive for meningitis. We were being admitted for a minimum of 48 hours. Seriously?! Holy moly. What do we do now?!
The doctors didn't want us broadcasting that he has meningitis. They said it causes panic and there was no need to cause panic before we knew that it was bacterial. That's why I didn't explain before. No need for panic.
Matt went to pick us up some food while I stayed with Christian. Then we switched off and I came home to pack a bag and kiss the girls goodnight. It was 11:00 pm by this time, but Addie was still up and crying. I rocked Addie to sleep and tucked Alexis in.
We decided that Matt would stay home with the girls since it was too late to call anyone. And Christian and I began our journey at the hospital.
They started him on antibiotics immediately. One was administered once every 24 hours and the other every 6 hours. An hour before his 6 hour antibiotics he had to take Benadryl because he had a reaction to it. And then they checked his vitals every few hours. That meant that we had nurses at 10:00 pm, 11:00, and 12:00 then again at 2:00 am, 5:00, 6:00, breakfast at 8:00, doctors rounds at 9:00, and on and on. Not a lot of sleep or rest going on there.
Matt kept things together at home. Each day for an hour or 2 we traded places so I could come see the girls. That was difficult because when I was at the hospital I wanted to be with the girls, but when I came home I only wanted to be at the hospital. Alexis' friend Robin and her family made sure Alexis, and sometimes Addie, were fed and where she needed to be.
This morning the doctor came and said the results were back and it was viral meningitis. A virus that went to the fluid in his brain and spinal cord. It can't be treated with antibiotics, it just has to run it's course, usually about 2 weeks. And though it is contagious, it is only contagious as a virus. It won't necessarily cause meningitis in anyone else.
So thankful!
Christian was only there for 2 1/2 days. It was a very difficult 2 1/2 days. And he started feeling better immediately. I cannot imagine parents that have to manage that for extended periods, especially when the child is feeling ill. I have always been thankful for good health, but this was a great reminder. It is such a precious gift and I am so thankful.
Speaking of thankful. On Wednesday afternoon I called my good friend Colleen, who also happens to be the Relief Society President (womens organization) at church. I left her a quick message about what was going on. And then Christian and I took the opportunity in between nurses coming in, and took a much needed nap. By the time I woke up Matt had called and left a message that we had Addie babysitting arranged for as long as we needed it. Thank you Lana! I also had an email waiting for me from a neighborhood friend that said we had meals coming for the next few nights. Thank you Jen!
We are healthy. We are blessed. We are thankful.
And we are home.