Matt and I started out the morning with an hour and a half walk around our very hilly neighborhood. How out of shape do you have to be that your still sore 2 days after a walk? Not like I ran a marathon, just went walking. I must have been working my gluteus-maximus cause that's whats sore! PS - I have no idea if that's how you spell that because both words popped up on spell check and it didn't give any suggestions. :)
Then we sat around and watched the parade and ate some of this.

I didn't start cooking till about 1:00. I made cornbread stuffing (and the cornbread and regular bread that went into it), holiday cranberries (next year I'll just go back to the can), green bean casserole (Matt thinks this made him sick, even though nobody else is sick), homemade crescent rolls, garlic mozzarella mashed potato's, corn in butter, broccoli with cheese (okay those last two were straight from their frozen packages), and sweet potato casserole (with fresh sweet potato's). Matt fried the turkey, Alexis helped me make a turtle pie, and Christian helped me make a pumpkin pie cheesecake. Here are some pictures of our excitement. :)

The table at the halfway point.

Matt trying to open our Ikea peach sparkler. We all liked it, but we also tried a bottle of what I thought was root beer from Ikea, and Lex and I about threw up! Icky! Matt and Christian liked it, so they shared.

Look how happy Addie is!

Just like a little turkey flapping her arms!

Hope you had a happy thanksgiving!